Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Red Blooded Years

My favourite band is, and has been for the last 2 years, aKing.
If you don't know the band or haven't heard any of their music, then you have not been paying attention to the sound eminating from the Mother City.

First a quick history lesson
aKing was born in Bellville, and formed by Hunter(Guitar) and Snakehead(Drums) with Laudo(Vocals;guitar) and Hennie(Bass). They produced there fisrt two albums; "Dutch Courage" in 2008 and "Against all Odds" in the following year. In 2010 Hunter left and was replaced by Andrew Davenport on guitar.

The new album was eagerly anticipated. And the plastic cover was feverishly ripped off upon purchase.

The album follows a similar set up to the second album, with the first two songs being crowd pleasers followed by a grungey third track.
And then after that, song #4 plays, and I press repeat. Again and again. And again.
The forth track, "Kick me", has to be my favourite number. Upbeat, clever lyrics, cleaner sound. Perfect track to jam to, especially when driving. Sing load, its a great song. "Weak mans world" was also a favoured track of mine, possibly due to its awesome chorus.
I also like the music video for "The Runaround"
Just so you know

All in all, the drums are tight, the guitars gel - creatING some awesome riffs, and the vocals are, as usual, perfect for the poetic lyrics.

It was quite groovy indeed

Groovy Troopers

This past weekend (25 - 27 March) I spent my time at the Groovy Troopers Vision Serpant trance party. I arrived on the Friday morning with my Golf 3 packed to roof with bags, tents and fellow troopers.

The venue was quite a distance outside of Cape Town, but the journey was enjoyable. Not too hot, traffic was relatively light and I had enough Monster to keep me awake for hours.
Despite being plagued by patches of Devil thorns, the venue itself was quite decent. With a prime campsite allowing for morning shade and the most magnificant view of the sunset, its little wonder that I felt so comfortable in putting up with the gale force wind channeled down throught the valley of De Hoek estate.
The venue also boasted a river and dam, perfect for waking up on the Sunday morning.

While I do not actively promote the use of illegal substances of any way shape of form, it must be said that the people surrounding me seemed unusally euphoric, making the trancefloor for me a fairly happy place. Stomping till the early hours of the morning, zoning out on the colourfully creative decor surrounding the stage.

Highlights include Biorythm, Xatric and the sunday set (but by then my legs were buggered)

All in all it was a great weekend. Very irie. Very worth it.


Firstly, this is my blog, so I'll start with myself. I have many faces and come from many places. I seek life's most pure pleasures. The written word. The unspoken silence. The rhythm of the world. I am Baxter.

I write because I enjoy it. I expect no kudos or critique, only appreciation. Appreciate my 1 in 6,909,013,615 opinion.
I started a blog a while back. It wasn't very good, but maybe that was due to the fact that it had no main direction and was merely a vessel in which my bizarre imagination could slosh around aimlessly.

So, back to the current blog. Consider it, an observational documentation of current cultural procedings, taken from a neutral vantage point.
Concerts, festivals, album releases, books, poetry, stage production, art, design, et cetera et cetera, ad nauseam.

Stay if you will, leave if you won't
This is my mind